Connecting Students With In-Demand Careers
Every college offers degrees. But at the end of the day, you're really looking for a career with lifelong opportunity, right?
Discover Your Direction
To get you into a rewarding career, we start by helping you define what you enjoy doing, and what you do best. Through a series of exercises using YouScience, an online tool to assess your strengths and preferences, we'll help you hone in on a future position that will inspire you and ignite your passion.
Explore In-Demand Job Fields
Choose your path and set your sights on success. Whether you want to acquire new skills, advance further in your current career, or explore a new career - if you're right out of high school or ready to reinvent yourself... just begin. Take a moment, and find which career path is the right one for you and which program you need to get there!
What career choice in your area of interest has the highest salary and the most job growth for our local region?